Chapter 3 DynaScript Predefined Objects

DOMCharacterData methods

The DOMCharacterData object inherits the methods from the DOMNode object, but it also has its own methods, which are discussed in this section.

appendData method


DOMCharacterData.appendData( DOMString )


Appends the string to the end of the character data represented by this object. DOMString is the string that is to be appended.


Here is a very simple document:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1' ?>
<Address><Street>2800 Park Avenue</Street>
<Region Type="Province">PQ</Region>

This DynaScript fragment, which includes a Region element, checks whether the region is a province or a state, and appends a string indicating the country to the text element.

child = elemRegion.firstChild;
if( elemRegion.getAttribute( "Type" ) == "Province" ){
child.appendData( ", Canada" );
} else {
child.appendData( ", USA" );
document.writeln( );

deleteData method


DOMCharacterData.deleteData( offset, count )


Removes a range of characters from the text represented by this object. The parameters are:


This DynaScript statement deletes the first two characters from a text node.

if( elem.nodeType == 3 ) { // text node
elem.deleteData( 0, 2 )

insertData method


DOMCharacterData.insertData( offset, DOMString )


Inserts a string at the specified character offset. The parameters are:


This DynaScript fragment inserts a string at the beginning of a text node.

if( elem.nodeType == 3 ) { // text node
elem.insertData( 0, "Region: " )

replaceData method


DOMCharacterData.replaceData( offset, count, DOMString )


Replaces the character starting at the specified character offset with the specified string. The parameters are:


This DynaScript fragment replaces the third and fourth characters in a text node with the string "XXX".

if( elem.nodeType == 3 ) { // text node
elem.replaceData( 3, 2, "XXX" )

substringData method


DOMCharacterData.substringData( offset, count )


Extracts a portion of the text represented by this object. The parameters are:


A string containing the extracted portion of the text.


This DynaScript fragment writes out the characters from the fourth to the hundredth of all text nodes that are children of a Street element.

function SubstringDataCharacterData( domDoc ) {
var elemlist = domDoc.getElementsByTagName( "Street" )
for( iElem=0; iElem < elemlist.length; iElem++ ) {
var elem = elemlist.item( iElem );
var child = elem.firstChild;
do {
if( child.nodeType == 3 ){ // text node
var svar = child.substringData( 3, 99 );
document.writeln( "svar = " + svar );
child = child.nextSibling;
} while ( child != null )


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