Chapter 3 DynaScript Predefined Objects

DOMNamedNodeMap methods

The DOMNamedNodeMap object has these methods:

getNamedItem method


DOMNamedNodeMap.getNamedItem( name )


Retrieves a DOMNode specified by name.


A DOMNode object or null if the specified name did not identify any node in the map.


This example creates a DOMNamedNodeMap named attlist from the attributes property of an element, and then writes out the value of the attribute with name attName.

attlist = elem.attributes
att = attlist.getNamedItem( attName );
document.writeln( att.value );

See also

"DOMNode object".

item method


DOMNamedNodeMap.item( index )


Returns the index item in the map. If index is greater than or equal to the number of nodes in the map, null is returned. Valid values for index are 0 through length - 1.


A DOMNode object or null if the index is invalid.


This script fragment loops over the items of a DOMNamedNodeMap object and assigns each node to a variable named thisNode.

for ( i = 0; i < nodemap.length; i++ ){
thisNode = nodemap.item( i );

removeNamedItem method


DOMNamedNodeMap.removeNamedItem( name )


Removes a DOMNode object specified by name.


The DOMNode object that was removed or null if the specified name did not identify any node in the map.


This example removes the attribute named attType from each Region element, and prints out messages for debugging purposes.

function RemoveNamedItem( domDoc, attType ){
elemlist = domDoc.getElementsByTagName( "Region" )
for( iElem=0; iElem < elemlist.length; iElem++ ) {
elem = elemlist.item( iElem );
attlist = elem.attributes
node = attlist.removeNamedItem( attType );
if( node == null ) {
document.writeln( "No attribute removed" );
} else {
document.writeln( "Removed attribute with value"
+ node.nodeValue );
document.writeln( domDoc.prettyPrint() );

See also

"DOMNode object"

setNamedItem method


DOMNamedNodeMap.setNamedItem( node-name )


Adds a node using its nodeName property. The node-name parameter is a DOMNode object to be stored in the named node map. The node will later be accessible using the value of the node's nodeName property passed to the getNamedItem method.


If the new node replaces an existing node with the same name, the previously existing node is returned as a DOMNode object, otherwise null is returned.


This example replaces an attribute node with one of the same name, but a changed value.

function SetNamedItem( domDoc, attType ){
elemlist = domDoc.getElementsByTagName( "Region" )
for( iElem=0; iElem < elemlist.length; iElem++ ) {
elem = elemlist.item( iElem );
attlist = elem.attributes
att = attlist.getNamedItem( attType );
att.value = "County";
oldNode = attlist.setNamedItem( );
if( oldNode == null ) {
document.writeln( "New attribute added" );
} else {
document.writeln( "Replaced attribute" );


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