Chapter 3 DynaScript Predefined Objects

DOMText methods

The DOMText object inherits all the methods of the DOMCharacterData object, but it also has one of its own methods, which is discussed here.

splitText method


DOMText.splitText( offset )


Breaks this text node into two text nodes at the specified offset, keeping both in the tree as siblings. offset is the point where the text is to be split, starting from 0.

After the split, this DOMText object contains the content up to the offset point. The new DOMText node, added as the next sibling of this node, contains the content at or after the offset point.


The new added DOMText node.


This script takes an element that has a single text node as child (holding a street address), and adds text to the end of that node by splitting the text and then normalizing:

streetText = streetElement.firstChild;
streetText.splitText(stText.length ); = " -- now moved";

See also

"normalize method".


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