Chapter 3 DynaScript Predefined Objects

FTP object


Allows for FTP access through PowerDynamo.


To use an FTP method:

FTP.MethodName( parameter ) 


The FTP object has no properties. To use the FTP object, create a connection to an FTP server using the FTP constructor:

FTPObj = new FTP( ftpServer, ftpUserId, ftpPassword);

Once the connection has been made, you can use the methods of the FTP object to manipulate files and data between the local and a remote machine.


This example creates a connection to an FTP server and puts a file on the remote machine:

ftpSybase = new FTP( "", "Eric", "Smith" );
ftpSybase.PutFile( "myfile.txt", "c:\\myfile.txt", "ASCII" );


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