Appendix C Creating Jaguar 1.1 Java Clients

Adapting version 1.1 clients to run in version 3.0

Clients developed for Jaguar 1.1 can be adapted to run in 3.0 by following the steps below:

  1. If you haven't already, use the Jaguar upgrade utility to copy your previous package and component definitions into the new Jaguar configuration repository. The Installation Guide for your platform has instructions for using the upgrade utility.
  2. Regenerate Java stub files for all required components, filling in the Generate Stubs & Skeletons dialog fields as follows:
    1. Java Code Base should match the existing code base for the application.
    2. Java Version should match the JDK version required by your existing application.
    3. For Java Types, choose "Using JDBC Datatypes".
  3. Verify that skeletons have been regenerated and compiled for the components. Java components require skeletons in Jaguar versions after 2.0. C component skeletons must be regenerated.
  4. Make sure that the port number used in CommunicationManager.CreateInstance calls is the IIOP port number and not the TDS port number. If you do not want to change hard-coded port numbers in your source files, you can reconfigure the server's TDS and IIOP listeners so that the IIOP and TDS port numbers are reversed.
  5. Recompile the Java client files, including the generated stub files.


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