Chapter 8 Creating Enterprise JavaBean Components

Exporting EJB-JAR files

You can create an EJB-JAR file that contains the Java classes and deployment descriptors for the EJB components installed in a Jaguar package. The JAR file can be deployed to another Jaguar Server or any EJB compatible server.

You can export EJB-JAR files in two formats:

Note   Use synchronization for deploying Beans between Jaguar servers Jaguar's synchronization feature can also be used to deploy components from one server to another. Synchronization is simpler than importing and exporting JAR files, but the source server must be able to connect to the target server. If you use synchronization, you will avoid the need to reconfigure JNDI resource references on the target server for EJB 1.1 components.

Steps Exporting an EJB-JAR file

  1. Highlight the Jaguar package to export and choose File | Export, then choose EJB 1.0 JAR or EJB 1.1 JAR.

  2. Enter the path and file name for the new JAR file and click Next.

  3. Jaguar Manager creates the JAR file, displaying status messages in the Export wizard.


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