Chapter 20 Creating ActiveX Clients
Procedure for creating ActiveX clients
create a new ActiveX client:
- Generate .tlb and .reg files for components - Use Jaguar
Manager to generate .tlb and .reg files
to use with your ActiveX-enabled IDE.
- Develop and test the ActiveX client - Import
the type libraries into your ActiveX-enabled IDE and use the drag-and-drop
technique to add component methods into your ActiveX client code.
- Deploy the ActiveX client - Install
the ActiveX client, Jaguar client installation (JagClient.exe in
the Jaguar installation directory under the client directory),
and component type libraries and registry files on every machine
where you want to run the ActiveX client.
If you have an existing ActiveX client developed for Jaguar
version 1.1 or 2.0, these sections describe how to upgrade the client
to run with the current version:
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