Chapter 2 Creating Component-Based Applications
After you have tested and debugged the application on your test server, it is time to deploy the component files to a production server and make the client application files available to the application users. Follow these steps to deploy the application:
Use Jaguar Manager to copy component definitions and implementation files from your test server to the production server. There are several ways to do this:
If developing Java clients and components, you can deploy your application to the Jaguar server directly from the PowerJ IDE. To deploy components, configure deployment options using the Run | Deploy options menu item, then deploy using the Run | Deploy menu item. See the PowerJ documentation or online help for more information.
PowerBuilder NVO components can be deployed directly to Jaguar from the PowerBuilder IDE, using the Jaguar Deployment wizard. See the PowerBuilder documentation or online help for more information.
Jaguar Manager's Synchronize feature allows you to replicate packages, components, connection cache definitions, and other configuration information from one server to another. Though this feature is intended primarily for synchronizing servers within a cluster, it is a convenient and quick way to replicate the server-side of your application from one server to another. "Clusters and Synchronization" in the Jaguar CTS System Administration Guide describes this feature in detail.
The client deployment process varies depending on what type of clients your application uses.
To deploy a Java applet, you must create an HTML page that loads the applet. To deploy a Java application, you must supply all classes required by your application to end users for installation on their machines. See "Deploying Java clients" for complete instructions.
Deploying applets from PowerJ
You can deploy applet classes from the PowerJ IDE using the
Web Application target. See the PowerJ user documentation or online
help for more information.
Deploying applet files with the application component package
When deploying applets that are to be downloaded from the
Jaguar server, you can deploy the applet files in the same package
archive used to deploy the application's components. See "Deploy components" for more information.
To deploy ActiveX clients, you must install the Jaguar ActiveX proxy on client workstations and register the proxy interfaces in the COM Automation Server Registry. See "Deploy the ActiveX client" for more information.
To deploy C++ clients, you must copy the Jaguar C++ client runtime libraries to the client machine and configure a few environment variables. See "Deploying C++ clients" for more information.
PowerBuilder provides a variety of options for deploying applications. For workstations that have the PowerBuilder runtime interpreter installed, you can deploy only the PowerBuilder libraries and resources required by your application. Or you can build a standalone compiled executable file. See the PowerBuilder documentation for more information.
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